
News Fungai Ndemera News Fungai Ndemera

Addicted to being a Platinum star!

The Flame Lily has almost grabbed all the love and support from its clients, and nurses. Being one of the approved contractors to the NHS and with a humungous base of self-reliant healthcare contractors, The Flame Lily assures its fast growth with a direct dependence to the love which is spread. We got established a-decade-and-a-half back, having a firm hold on all our clients, being one of the best nursing and social care recruitment companies in the UK.

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Agency Nurse Fungai Ndemera Agency Nurse Fungai Ndemera

NHS Improvement to ‘pause’ the introduction of the new agency rules

Dear The Flame Lily Healthcare Member, Following pressure from the Royal College of Nursing, NHS Improvement have decided to ‘pause’ the introduction of the new agency rules which prevent substantive staff from working as agency staff. These rules were due to come in to force tomorrow (1st April). It has written to trusts today telling them to “pause” the start of the controversial rule, in order to “engage with the sector”.

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Nurse Fungai Ndemera Nurse Fungai Ndemera

Revalidation? The Flame Lily is a spot!

Being a nurse is as important as being a surgeon for something mighty.Nursing - It’s not about how they do it, it’s about how they make you feel about it. It was smooth sailing until April 2016, when Nursing and midwife council gave a head up to the revalidation policy. A policy that wasn’t just an amendment to PREP– Post Registration Education and Practice, but something that was built on the requirements of it.

So, what exactly does revalidation mean?

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News Fungai Ndemera News Fungai Ndemera

Helping England Overcome Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes has been spreading across England at an alarming rate over the past few decades. The number of patients practically double up every fifteen years. At the moment, about 2.8 million of the total population have been diagnosed with the condition. Almost 10 percent of the entire budget of the NHS is spent on the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. The disease can also lead to heart diseases and other serious conditions that are even more serious in nature. Therefore the health care system in the country needs to be equipped with professionals who are technically equipped to take care of patients who suffer from it.

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NHS Fungai Ndemera NHS Fungai Ndemera

The Endless Misery of the NHS: What needs to be done?

The fall of 2015 saw an exemplary rise in the American healthcare, when thousands stood up for the nurses. Kelly Johnson, a former Miss America pageant aspirant and runner-up, got up on stage in a “scrubs” costume and performed a two-minute monologue. The performance was inspired by her experience as a nurse, when she was privileged enough to take care of an Alzheimer’s patient.

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Agency Nurse Fungai Ndemera Agency Nurse Fungai Ndemera

Is Patient Safety Being Compromised Due to The Pay Cap?

The Government, in an effort to cut down on costs and to bring back nurses into the NHS fold had introduced a pay cap on the amount that an agency could charge for a healthcare professional. The cap came into force in November 2015, at which time the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt had said that staffing agencies had been able to “rip off the NHS by charging extortionate hourly rates”. However, in case the trusts felt that there was significant risk to patient safety, they could bypass the pay cap. Beginning November 23, 2015, when the rules first took effect, the “break glass” clause has been used 35,662 times between 228 hospital trusts.

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Nurse Fungai Ndemera Nurse Fungai Ndemera

Working Odd Hours? Here’s how you can Optimize your Sleep Cycle

Working shifts can play havoc with your biological clock – till you reach a point where your body’s internal clock cannot decide when you should be awake and when you should sleep. Over time, sleep deprivation can lead to serious consequences – both in terms of your health, as well as your safety. Incidences of circadian misalignment is not healthy for you and has been associated with increased risk of developing cardiovascular, metabolic and gastrointestinal disorders, some types of cancer and several mental disorders.

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Nurse Fungai Ndemera Nurse Fungai Ndemera

Life Hacks for Nurses

The job of a nurse is never easy and there are multiple factors that can make or break a nurse’s shift – the demands and neediness of a patient’s family members, the behaviour of the patient and, the health and fitness of the nurse itself. With stress being a constant factor, it can lead to nurse’s making mistakes or worse, burning out and quitting the job altogether.

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