Government Update on the Fight Against New COVID19 Infections

Last night, the government announced that it is switching to the delay phase in its fight against the COVID19 pandemic. People with symptoms similar to that of COVID19 should stay at home (self-isolate).

Such individuals do not need to provide swab samples for coronavirus testing. This move will help reduce the number of swab samples collected in the community.

There could be individuals who need to provide swabs. Also, HMRA is yet to provide plans for testing workers that support the national COVID19 infrastructure such as NHS employees.

Even though it’s important to pause the home swabbing services within the community, drive-thru swabbing and hospital pods should remain active. These services should remain in place awaiting the issuance of new guidelines.

For those who already have their swabs taken as provided for in the previous case definition HMRA should complete the test and receive the results. This is important because the advice they receive may change.

Staying at Home

In case you experience coronavirus-like symptoms, do not leave your house no matter how mild those symptoms are. You should only leave your house 7 days after you experience the symptoms.


I Feel Ill but My Employer Wants Me to Report to Work

If you are ill, you should take time off.

The law stipulates that you do not need to provide medical evidence for the first seven days of illness. After seven days, the employer has the right to check and judge if you need time off.

The NHS will provide an alternative form that you can provide to your employer if you need to remain at home. Employers should encourage employees to remain at home as per government regulations. 

Employees should not fear to lose their jobs by staying at home in observance of the government rules aimed at combating COVID19.

Working from Home?

If you find it difficult to work from home, you should communicate with your employer. You should be able to reach a practical compromise that meets both your needs. This is concerning the current health situation.

Will I Get Sick Pay?

For all individuals affected by the coronavirus, their employers are expected to provide Statutory Sick Pay from the first day of sickness.


What if I am a Contractual Employee?

You should check with your employer if you are uncertain about sick pay. If you are not eligible for sick pay, you should be able to apply for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit.

What About Self-Employed People?

Self-employed individuals should apply for Universal Credit.

What If Everyone Stays at Home and There’s No Income?
If no one is getting out of the house to bring income and no one is receiving Statutory Sick Pay, then the family should apply for Universal Credit.

Please visit the government webpage on COVID19 for real-time updates.


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